Unpredictability - Good for your health

Our modern life is based on organising an environment free from the unexpected. The house needs to be as stable and reliable as possible. The job as safe as possible. Nothing should break down. Nothing but what we predict, should occur.
This is the life of the zoo animal. Let's explore the life of the Nomad. Let's live the life of the Nomad.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Kigali City Tower

With 20 floors and a height of 234 feet, the Kigali City Tower is visible from most places around Kigali itself.  I was quite fascinated by this building.  In a country that is developing fast, this impressive piece of architecture seems to shout intent to any onlooker - "look at Rwanda now, look at this - and wait because better will soon be coming!!!".

The shape of this building is elliptical.  Originally, according to wiki, it was going to be fully circular - but an oval shape would give it more floor space.  And so it does resemble the conning tower of a submarine.  And perhaps this is part of its symbolism, for the real power of a submarine is hidden below the surface - a bit like the resiliency of the Rwandan character perhaps.

Anyway I was fascinated and decided to investigate a little further.  I kindly asked one of the guards if I might visit the top floor of the building.  I was initially refused however I did point out that many posters around the town beseeched one to visit the great Kigali City Tower, and so the guard relented and allowed me access.  And it was indeed a great view and a worthwhile visit.

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