Unpredictability - Good for your health

Our modern life is based on organising an environment free from the unexpected. The house needs to be as stable and reliable as possible. The job as safe as possible. Nothing should break down. Nothing but what we predict, should occur.
This is the life of the zoo animal. Let's explore the life of the Nomad. Let's live the life of the Nomad.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

A week in bricks. Day 6 without a cigarette

The rain melted the snow and so yesterday I was able to get away from the camping site.  One benefit of being trapped at this camp site for so long was that I was unable to purchase any cigarettes.  So now I have gone six days without having a cigarette.  This week I will be working for a company based in Malaysia, but working remotely: that is, working from home.  So this will be a change.  Then next sunday it's back to the Nomadic life.


  1. That entry was Sunday, still smoke free? Hopefully you'll run with it and use that opportunity for quiting. Malaysia, wow! Sadly, what that brought to my mind, was a documentary I watched this past weekend in regard to Malaysian women brought to the US for the purpose of being sex slaves. Troubling story, very sad, and alarmingly true.
    So, you're in a "house" this week. Yikes!!!
    Feel like a monkey then, do you??

  2. Hi Dawn. I am still smoke free. I feel amazingly healthy and my clothes do not smell. Cool. I am wishing though, that I could get out of the flat. I have to wait until Saturday morning when I take my kids away camping. I then drop them off with their mother on Sunday and drive up to Norfolk for a week working away. Yippee. I cannot wait.
